Our family is just starting a family FB page. These pages are private but are there any concerns w/
What a great idea!
I think an easy way to share the tree might be to open your FS tree and then copy the URL and paste it in a post. Not sure if that works but it might be worth the try. The way I have shared with my children is to have them add a deceased ancestor (grandparent in our case) to their tree by searching for him on FS. Once they added that person, everything flowed to their tree for that line.
Not sure if there is anything to be concerned about that is out of the ordinary. Everyone is able to make changes to the tree which is a problem that some genealogists have mentioned. This can happen whether you share the tree with your family or not. There is just one tree on FS and that's why changes happen. We all need to keep an eye on the portion of the tree that has our family members.
Good luck with your Facebook page!
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@Nikeya Allen
Personally, I would NOT start a Family "Page" on 'FaceBook' ...
But. perhaps, that is just me ...
I would suggest that you start a "Private" 'Group' (accessible by "Invite" only) for your Family within THIS "Community.FamilySearch" Forum.
As far as I am aware, a number of such 'Groups' for Families already exist within this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum.
Such 'Groups' for Families within this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum are much more secure than "FaceBook" (or, other "Social Media" sites); and, access to such 'Groups' can be controlled (eg. restricted) by the 'Admin(s)', someone like yourself, of such 'Groups'.
Just my thoughts.
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I think it kind of depends what the intent is
if it was a surname page - for anyone interested in a given surname - I would think a community surname page would be one of various good avenues.
see examples: https://community.familysearch.org/s/group/0F93A0000009XyuSAE/yanceyyancy-family-genealogy
For someone who is tech savvy - and when the intent is to keep some sort of data repository
a dedicated web site can be great
example http://yanceyfamilygenealogy.org/
But if it is just a page for close family to exchange photos, videos, memes, messages, and keep in touch
Face Book - is much much better equipped to handle that.
Facebook is where everyone goes to "connect with friends and family" - you would have much more success in people being able to find and connect with you there then elsewhere. and it has its own security and controls so you let in just who you want.
However Facebook is not really the best place for a longterm "genealogical depository" where you keep a large set of genealogical documents long term.
Nikeya asked about concerns in sharing a FamilySearch tree. One can use URL's from FS to link from other sites.
Im not sure what concerns Nikeya may have had - especially since any data (for deceased persons) is globally available anyway in FS - - - any data for living persons in a FS tree is not available for good reason.
so I dont see any security risks in that area.
[as to Bretts comments about security] I dont see how FS groups are any more secure than Facebook . .
in some ways they are less secure - - any one in the FS community can see a FS group page.
as Nikeya pointed out her FB page would be private.
@Nikeya Allen
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@Nikeya Allen
@Dennis J Yancey
@Family Bible
I DO NOT care what 'Spin' ANYONE puts on "Social Media" platforms ...
They are NOT safe!
They DO "Collect" and "Use" DATA on YOU, whether, you are aware of it or not (and, more importantly, whether you want them to or not)!
"FamilySearch" is NOT a "Social Media" platform like "FaceBook" or the like ...
NOTHING is absolutely SAFE on the INTERNET ... NOT even "FamilySearch".
But, I would say, at least I would hope, that "FamilySearch" is a lot safer than the general ... 'run of the mill' ... "Social Media" platforms such a "FaceBook" or the like.
As I indicated, personally, I would just NOT start a Family "Page" on ANY "Social Media" platforms such a "FaceBook" or the like.
But ... perhaps ... that is just me ...
Each to their own ...
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I don't necessarily disagree with many of the things you say
I myself do NOT use Facebook - for some of the reason you state
I am NOT trying to sell Facebook or put a good spin on it . . . I dont even have my own account for that matter.
BUT SAFETY and SECURITY are two different things
when I say Security and Privacy I am referring to the security and privacy of what is being posted and shared
I am not referring to how good it is for people to use - or the negatives and positives of its use.
When I say that it is much more secure than FS
Or when we say it is more private I mean the following
FB allows you to limit who can see your page and posts
FS community does not - it is totally open to the whole world.
FB encrypts your data
FS community does not - its all open for all to see.
If you posted sensative info about your family on FS
it would be open to the whole world.
In FB it would not.
If you wanted to make private communications between a set of friends you can do it on FB
not on FS
The above reasons are just some of what lead many people to use Facebook for private solcial media groups.
also FB is much better designed for sharing multimedia
FB: you can share a family video
FS: you can not
Uploading PDF's and DOC files
FB you can
FS community - you cannot.
as you allude to - and I totally agree - FS was never designed to be a social media platform.
FS was never designed to keep posts and info private
FB was.
BUT as to the safety of it all - the good vs the evil
I don't disagree with you - but that was never what I was referring to.
I believe there are some very legitimate concerns about the negative impact of social media
concerns that you seem to feel very strongly about - and there's nothing wrong with that. I do too.,
But that had nothing to do with data privacy and security of which I was referring to.
In a theoretical world - if someone told me I had to post my birth date and bank info on one of two places - Face Book or FamilySearch
it would be a no-brainer. I would choose FB. in FS - the whole world would see it. with FB I can control who sees what among my contacts or no one at all.
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Brett, I apologize. I mis-typed. It is a private group page.