Question: how are Other Relationships sorted?

The Other Relationships section is great, but I have a question: how is it sorted, and is there any chance of a custom sort capability?
Looking at Imre Varga's list of godchildren (Ágnes, István, Juliana, Theresia), I figured it was sorting them alphabetically. (I entered them, according to both my memory and his change log, in reverse chronological order: Juliana, István, Theresia, Ágnes.) However, looking at his wife's (rather longer) list, that idea flies right out the window: she has Julianna 1862, István 1850, Theresia 1847, Maria 1860, Ágnes 1844, Juliana 1853, and János 1857. They were added in chronological order (i.e. starting with Ágnes 1844 and ending with Julianna 1862), so the only characterization I can come up with for the displayed ordering is "utterly random".
What (if anything) am I missing?
It looks like Other Relationships are grouped by type, but there is no specified order within the Relationship type. Usually the default is last updated. You've provided a good use case to consider. I've asked the teams to look into a better option. Thank you.
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The team is asking for opinions about how other relationships should be sorted by default.
Type, Age, First Name, Last name, Created date, Relationship conclusion date?
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For a godparent with multiple godchildren, sorting by birthdate (i.e. age) would be most useful, but I can't imagine that would make much sense for a list of neighbors, nor even on the other end of the godparent relationship. I have no intention of entering my great-grandfather's seventeen godparents (not least because I haven't deciphered all of their names), but if I did, I guess either alphabetical or "the same order I added them in" would make most sense.
If the relationship has an event added, then sorting by its date (the way spouses are sorted) would make sense. Unfortunately, relationship event entry is rather buried and still has some ...oddnesses, so I doubt it's going to be used much.
(In particular: you click "Add Event" and get fields labeled "Relationship Description", "Relationship Date", and "Relationship Place". Shouldn't those be "Event Description", "Event Date", and "Event Place"?)