What is Birthplace (in Finland)?
Can anyone tell me what the location is for Johan From in the following link: FFHA - Image database - Nakkila (sukuhistoria.fi)
Johan From is born 5 apr 1795, the place looks like Hvillis to me, which isn't any place I recognize. I am trying to find his birth record and/or parents and their information. Johan and his wife are second family up from the bottom of the page.
The parish is Huittinen. Hvittis (or Vittis) is the old Swedish name for the parish. See here in Hiski: https://hiski.genealogia.fi/historia/mini-pgsql.php?srk=100&kieli=en.
There are twins, Johan and Eric, christened on 5 April in that parish, but no birth date is given. That record is here: https://digihakemisto.net/item/1252924162/6256923318/158.
I believe the family is here in the Communion records (near the middle of the page): https://digihakemisto.net/item/1252577124/5874399417/257. The father, Jacob Mattsson (b. 1766), and mother Maria Mattsdotter (b.1766) and a daughter, Caisa (b. 1793), are here but the twins (Johan and Eric) aren't listed on this record. But it reports that the family has moved to Uolola (Uolula) torp and they can be found here (a little above the middle of the page): https://digihakemisto.net/item/1252577124/5874398058/235. Eric is not there (he probably died) but Johan (b. 1795) is listed.
You will need to follow Johan through the Communion records to be sure that he is the same Johan From you are asking about.
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Oh wow! Thank you!!! I will check it out - this is very interesting. Again, thank you so much!!!
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So, I hope you don't mind, but I followed him in the communion records and he cannot be your Johan From. He is still living at home with his parents in Huittinen while your Johan is living in Nakkila. See this record here: https://digihakemisto.net/item/1252614765/5874385605/148. Huittinen parish also has him and his parents here during the same time period: https://digihakemisto.net/item/1252614765/5874385329/7. He still shows up in the 1820-1824 Huttinen records here (about 3/4 of the way down the page): https://digihakemisto.net/item/1252625106/5874380628/234. He is jägare (hunter) Johan Blom in this record and "idiot" is noted after his name and birthdate.
Oddly enough, he has the same birthdate in the communion records as your Johan From - 4 May 1795, but there is no way he can be the same person. Some of the communion records above clearly say he is "idiot". That is a medical term (not a slur) meaning a person affected with extreme intellectual disability.
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I wrote the wrong date for the birthday. It should have been 5 April 1795.
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Thanks so much for following up on this. So there is no way to determine his parents at this point? Or to find his birth?
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I have been looking quite a lot today and haven't been able to locate him. The birthdate and/or place must be incorrect. Your original communion record says that he was born in Hvittis (Huittinen) and that he came to Nakkila from Hvittis in 1817. There are move-out records for Huittinen for that year but he is not in them. So, either the place or the year in the Nakkila communion record where he came from must be incorrect. Unfortunately, there are no move in records for Nakkila for 1817 - there is a gap between 1816 and 1822.
He is here in Nakkila before he is married and it still says he was born in Hvittis (3rd from the bottom): https://www.sukuhistoria.fi/sshy/sivut_eng/jasenille/paikat.php?bid=20766&pnum=73. This says he came from page 94, but that must be an error because that is the page of your original record.
If I am able to find out more, I will post it here.