Danish translation
For a link to the record in the Danish archives, see here: https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/da/billedviser?bsid=155193#155193,25919860.
The witness/godparents are:
Moderen-Elisabeth Kjøller af Vestermarie
Faderen Bagersvend Chistian (Christian) Jensen Vestermarie
Arbden (arbejderen?) Per Nielsen Østergade
The (god) mother Elisabeth Kjøller of Vestermarie
The (god) father(s)
Journeyman baker Chistian (Christian) Jensen Vestermarie
The laborer Per Nielsen Østergade
In the remarks column:
Har ifølge amt resol af 30 Nov 1893 ikke fødehjemstedsret i Rønne
According to the County resolution of 30 November 1893 (the child) has no rights of birth in Rønne. (I think that is what it says, but cannot be absolutely certain of what it means.
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Thanks so much, Norm!
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"Har ifølge Amt resolution af 30. November 1893 ikke fødehjemstedsret i Rønne".
[According to the law the mother had not "right of birth-home" in Rønne]
-> If the mother wasn't born in the parish or hasn't lived in the parish for at least 10 months before birth, then it is not the responsibility of Rønne parish to "yde fattighjælp" [give poverty help] for the woman and her child.
It is the parish where she was born or where the child was conceived that are responsible for helping her and the child.
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Thanks for the additional information, Niels!