🌐 The Bridge Forum 16 March 2023 🌐
The next Bridge Forum will be on Thursday March 16th at 7pm MST. We'll have Emily Schultz, Elise Dahlen, and Joe Price presenting.
Here is a flyer you can share with others: bit.ly/bridge-mar-2023
Emily, Elise, and Joe will talk about how family history interns at BYU Idaho have created some energetic and inspiring community projects. They will highlight some of those projects and share some of the secret ingredients that made them so successful. They shared this material as a class at RootsTech but it was an in-person session only.
This forum will provide some ideas for how you can set up a community project and involve others in growing the Family Tree. Here is a direct link you can use to join the forum via Zoom: bit.ly/thebridge-zoom-link