Death Translation Request
Can someone please help with a translation of the attached church book entry for the death of Marie Durrheim (nee Gueffroy) in 1835 in Grimme, Germany.
Best Answer
Here is what I read . The 1891 confused me, but I assume it is a record number, not a year.
Left Margin
1891 Marie Dürrheim, née Gueffroy. Le 15 Octobre 1835 à 11 heures du matin.
1891 Marie Dürrheim, born Gueffroy. the 15th of October 1835 at 11 o’clock in the morning.
Right Margin
De Vieillesse 77 ans 3 mois 2 jours
Of old age, 77 years, 3 months 2 days old.
Est Morte, à Grimmen, de Vieillesse, Marie Dürrheim, née Gueffroy femme de Charles Guillaume Dürrheim, charpentier au dit lieu, le /15/ quinze Octobre /1835 / mil huit cent trente cinq, à /11/ onze heures du matin, agée de /77/ soixante dix-sept.
Died at Grimmen, of old age, Marie Dürrheim, born, Gueffroy wife of Charles Guillaume Dürrheim, carpenter in this place, the/15/ fifteenth of October /1835/ one thousand eight hundred and thirty five at /11/ eleven o’clock in the morning, age /77/ seventy-seven