A little help with Norwegian . . .
I'm looking at a stillborn record, and I can figure out a couple names here, but what else does this say?
Søndeled sokneprestkontor, SAK/1111-0038/F/Fa/L0003: Parish register (official) no. A 3, 1861-1879, p. 529
Quick link: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20060124031003
Thanks for the help anyone here can provide. 🙂
Jeff Baldwin
The note mentions that this is the mother's second birth (child) and that she's never had a stillborn before.
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The record reads:
Column 1 (date of stillbirth): May 3
Column 2 (stillborn's parents): Shipwright Elling Jensen and wife Ingeborg Alin(?) Olsen (in) Sandnæs
Column 3 (when and by whom the statement [report of stillbirth] was made): stillborn 5 May by Dp? Jandberg. The fetus was female (she-gender). The stillborn was the mother's second birth and she hadn't had a stillborn (child) before.