Translation help from Danish
My great grandfather was on a LDS mission in Sweden 1n 1880. He was called to be the Branch President in Uppsala. His certificate of appointment is in Danish, as the Mission headquarters was Copenhagen. I have attempted a translation, but think that some of the words may have a specific meaning in the context of the LDS Church. Any corrections to my transcription and/or translation would be appreciated.
David Bylund
Äldste E. O. Bylund
Kjære Broder!
Herved bevidnes, at De er beskikket til at Presidera i Uppsala Green i Stockholms Konference af Jesu Kristi Kirke af Sidste-DagesHellige.
Det er Deres Pligt at prætlike Envangeliet, at forrette alle de Ordinancer af samme, som henhøre til Deres hellige Kald, og at præsidere over AIt, hvad der vedkommer Herrens Værk indenfor Deres Virkekreds., under Raad og Vejledning af Deres· Distrikts eller Konferences Præsident.
Det er Deres Pligt at indskjærpe Tiende-Loven, at paasee Indsamlingen af Gaverne til de Fattige og Missionsfondet; at paasee, at der er en passende Fordeling af Kirkens trykte Skrifter og at Bog-Agentens Regnskab er rigtig, balanceret og apgjort; at ingen Gjæld tillades at blive samlet i Deres Green, samt at raade de Hellige i deres Pligters Udførelse.
De allerede givne Instruktioner ville sætte Dem istand til at udføre størstedelen af ovennævnte Pligter. Om De skulde behøve nogen videre Underretning i nogen Henseende, vil De behage at henvende Dem til Deres Konferences Præsident.
Fremfor Alt, kjære Broder, vær ydmyg, paapasselig og trofast i Udførelsen af Deres Arbejder; bed flittig, at den Hellig-Aand og Præstedømmets Kraft maa vejlede Dem i alle Deres Foretagender, da ville de Helliges Hjerter vorde opladte til at annamme Deres Raad, med Glæde udøve den og forfremmes i Evangeliet til Liv og Saliggjørelse.
Stockholm, dem 24 Maj 1880
H. M. Olsen
Præsident over Stoakholm Konference
Elder E. O. Bylund
Dear Brother!
This is to certify that you have been appointed to Preside in Uppsala Branch in the Stockholm Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
It is your duty to preach the Gospel, to administer all the ordinances of the same that belong to your holy calling, and to preside over everything that pertains to the Lord's work within your sphere of activity, under the advice and guidance of your District or Conference President.
It is your duty to instruct on the tithe law, to see to the collection of the gifts for the poor and the missionary fund; to see that there is a suitable distribution of the Church's printed writings and that the Book Agent's accounts are correct, balanced and accounted for; that no debt be allowed to be accrue in your Branch, and to advise the Saints in the performance of their duties.
The instructions already given will enable you to perform most of the above duties. Should you need any further information in any respect, please contact the President of your Conference.
Above all, dear brother, be humble, teachable and faithful in the performance of your works; pray diligently that the Holy Spirit and the power of the priesthood may guide you in all your undertakings, then the hearts of the Saints would be ready to accept your advice, with joy exercise it and be encouraged in the Gospel to life and salvation.
Stockholm, the 24 May 1880
L. M. Olson
President of Stockholm Conference
David--this takes us to a census record that says a page is missing. Could you be a little more specific on what you want translated, please? A post of it here would be most helpful. PaulaAnn