Grove Hill Memorial Park in Dallas TX missing coordinates
This cemetery is in Dallas, Dallas county, Texas but the standard place:
Grove Hill Memorial Park, Dallas, Dallas, Texas, United States
Does not have any co-ordinates. However, the lesser used place name of:
Grove Hill Memorial Park, Dallas, Texas, United States
(where Dallas city is not mentioned) DOES have the correct coordinates.
Not sure why this is as they are both standard places in the database (maybe due to the movement of the Dallas city limits over time?). In any event they should both have the same coordinates, or maybe one just an alternate of the other.
I suspect the entry you reference without coordinates was uploaded in a batch -- there were no sources attached, either. I merged that place entry into the pre-existing one with coordinates, and then changed the place name of the merged place to show it in Dallas, Dallas, Texas, United States (as the cemetery is in city limits):
0 -
I figured that it was something like that. Thanks for the fix!