Posting Help
Post and ask questions on the community page that all may benefit from your question and the answers you receive.
Feel free to post feedback you might have that would improve everyone's community experience.
When answering a question, the best way for the person to get the answer is to @mention their name: example "@Shannon Potter Wilcox" This will send message to them that your question has been addressed. A notification that your answer has been addressed can be found by observing a red dot next to the bell on the top right of your page, next to your username. Click on the bell and read the comment(s) to you question.
Important information: If you go into your settings under your profile and click notifications and click the following it will notify you when someone has answered your questions, etc.
Notify me when people mention me.
Notify me when people comment on discussions I've participated in.
Notify me of private messages.
Notify me when people comment on my discussions.