Design Review Important Info vs Important Note
I guess maybe the one note limit per PID is temporary?
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Translations will come in as they are finished by the translation department. (about two week for all languages)
Current limit is one alert note.
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Great to have this new feature live!!
So far it's working well, but a couple of thoughts.
Notice as you read this comment that the line breaks make it probably easier to follow? Could we provide the same capability in the Notes fields?
My notes are sometimes long and I worry that other users will just read the first couple of lines - but if I had line breaks other users would be able to more easily scan through and hopefully get more of the content.
Example (the above text without line breaks):
Great to have this new feature live!! So far it's working well, but a couple of thoughts. Notice as you read this comment that the line breaks make it probably easier to follow? Could we provide the same capability in the Notes fields? My notes are sometimes long and I worry that other users will just read the first couple of lines - but if I had line breaks other users would be able to more easily scan through and hopefully get more of the content.
And what about bold?
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One more thought.
Wouldn't it be better to display the title of the note only and not the first few words of the body? That might provide a better understanding of what the note contains than truncating both.
I do like the hover feature but notice you have to place your cursor over the title exactly to view - could it be made to work if you place your cursor anywhere over the two lines of displayed text?
Also, the hover feature seems to work on some notes and not on others.
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Thanks for the opportunity to review @lyleblunttoronto1! The main issue so far, is that when the Alert Note has been selected, clicking on the SHOW ALL option (top screen shot below) takes me to the Home Person (bottom screen shot). It should actually open the Collaborate tab of the person whose Alert Note is being reviewed, right? Please check it out and let me know if this doesn't happen to anyone else....
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@lyleblunttoronto1 is there a way to maintain the same Note format?
1) When accessing the Note under the Collaborate tab the format looks as noted in the top screenshot below.
2) When accessing the Alert Note via the banner displayed in the Details tab, the note format changes (as noted in the bottom screenshot below).
There is not a problem with the character count for either, so it doesn't appear that should be an issue. Please let me know if this can or will be addressed. Thanks!
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Thanks for your comments. We'll fix the missing white space issue and review the rest with design.
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We'll also fix the 'Show All' link on the alert note dialog.
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Probably already in the works ... But the alert banner or any icon indicator is not displayed in the mobile Family Tree app (at least not on Android). This should be remedied - as another channel where the nature of the smaller screen may possibly lead to worse record attachment or merges. I can see how doing more complicated profile actions could be more easily incorrect - just because one can't view as much of a profile on a phone versus a computer screen - if one cannot focus attention on one profile at a time (more easily lost in scrolling or multiple pages I think). The Notes display fine - there is just no Alert banner to notify the user.
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I agree about the need for the alert banner on the mobile app, the less experienced users are probably more likely to make uninformed decisions to change relationships in the tree. They may more easily accept an incorrect record hint that could be a catalyst for an incorrect merge, etc.
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Yes, we are coordinating with the mobile app team. They'll begin work after the feature is stable and it's out of R&D.
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I've been playing around with the Notes this afternoon and everything looks like it is working well, including all the Show All links and the formatting in the pop up box. I like that the title and first line of up to three notes show, that there is a counter showing the total number of notes, and that the alert note is always the first note.
Thank you for this nice new feature. I really appreciate what must have been a lot of hard work to develop this in such short order.
As always, however, we users are never satisfied, so,
1) Most parts of the detail page that open a pop up have the entire field turn gray and be the click target zone, such as all the vitals, the header that opens or closes each section, even the various items in the side pod. I would suggest leaving the underlining for emphasis, but having the entire alert section turn grey whenever the mouse pointer enters it and be able to click anywhere.
Here is what I am referring to:
You can open and close the Vitals section anywhere in the grey area that appears when hovering, you don't really need to aim for the arrow at the right.
2) Three alert notes would be nice. I would not go over that so that all alerts notes are always seen on the detail page.
3) Since there is a limit to the number of alert notes and since it is not always the top one on the Sources page, it would be nice to have some kind of marker next to the alert notes on the Sources page so you don't have to hunt for it to edit it or change it from an alert note to a regular note.
(Image to follow since we still can only have one image per post.)
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Regarding (3) above. I checked again and find that after refreshing the page, the alert note always moves to the top of the list of notes. It still could be good to have a marker against that top note:
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I’ve worked some with the Alert note feature. I too think this well be a great thing. I have a couple of questions that were probably covered earlier but don’t remember.
1. It appears that if I enter an Alert note then I can edit that note anytime in the future. Right?
2. Is the person who entered the Alert note the only one who can edit that particular Alert note?
3. There will be a total of 3 Alert notes available. Is that right?
3a. Does that mean that a total of 3 users can each put in an Alert note, or does it mean that a single user can have 3 different Alert notes or something else?
4. Personally all I will every use is one alert note per profile. I’ll use that one Alert note to refer to the Discussion area for lengthy reason and analysis statements
5. The red Alert Banner text does not freeze at the top but scrolls off screen as soon as you scroll down to the Vitals section. Is that the plan design to scroll up not to freeze?
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It's still just a note like any other note. it just has an additional flag. Anyone can edit it. Anyone can remove the Alert Note flag and turn it back into a regular flag. Anyone can take a regular note made by anyone and click on the alert note flag. Anyone can completely delete it.
But if it is well written and correct, there shouldn't be any need for anyone to touch it.
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Thank you, thank you! Very pleased with this new feature and all the work completed to-date!
I've already been working to add the Alert banner to many persons that have crossed my mind, but the Changes to People You Follow notification has been very useful to help me identify those needing attention! I may even visit my entire Following list for more identification of persons needing an Alert banner and note!
Thanks again for this most useful feature, and giving us the opportunity to participate from idea, development, design and implementation.
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lyleblunttoronto1 thank you for letting us brainstorm via these discussions - all of us together make up a great testing lab
we know you are trying to please everyone . . . which is a task no one ever wants to have
adding these new features and tweaking others is great (i'm one of the simpler users and am trying to follow what everyone is saying) - but i do see so many asking for the former simple look of the page to return - could this possibly be an option in "my layout settings"? the bold colors splashed throughout is very distracting and even hard on the eyes, and as has been mentioned before, a bit irreverent looking
the gospel is truth, and this church is literally The Church of Jesus Christ - nothing will stop this work - and i am grateful that we have such an easier time doing research than we did 20 years ago
again thank you for ALL your work, and the work of the others
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Agreed. However, I have at least one PID where a user insists on attaching an incorrect parent without source or reason, where I and others have repeatedly tried to explain that in addition to lack of any documentation, a yDNA study disproves her proposed relationship. Further discussions are impossible because the user mutes all who try to explain things. (Family Search has informed us this does not constitute abuse so we've given up.) If we add an alert note, and we plan to, I explect this user to delete it.
Anyway, that's not my point. In order to avoid users such as in my example above from tampering with the alert notes, the notes can be copied into the "Discussions" section of the "Collaborate" tab where they can't be deleted by anyone other than the originator.
I like the concept of the alert notes very much and have started adding some here and there, mainly where there are different ancestors with the same names. Thanks to the FS team!