Designations from the peasantry
The German speaking members here might know the quarterly journal Computergenealogie, issued by the Verein für Computergenealogie (CompGen). The main topic of the issue 3/2022 is Farmers in the Middle Ages. In his article on The designations of farmers Sven Stein has published the following table, listing different designations in relation to region and status (with kind permission of author and publisher):
Such a compilation will never be complete. Let me add a few complements:
Oberschwaben: during my research in the bishoprice of Augsburg I have never come across a Seldner (mentioned by Stein) - instead Söldner is used … same word as for a mercenary … I always was surprised to have such military ancestors - staying in the same village for generations. Instead the term is derived from Sölde - a small house with very little land: the Söldner had to earn his living mainly as day labourer or craftsman.
Ostpreussen: on a Köllmer / Kollmer is mentioned - see also Kölmer / Kulmer: a higher rank than the Söldner. The father-in-law of Christian Randzio was an Altsitzer: former farmer, who had handed over to the next generation - with the right to live on the farm and get provision for his living. These people would live on their Altenteil - and be called (depending on the region) also Auszügler, Austrägler or Ausnehmer.