Asking for help with the translation of 2 birth and 1 death record from JRI Poland

Hello! I would be so grateful for help with translating my Grandfather's birth record, Max Janover (Moishe Mendel Janower in the record), who was born in 1899, the son of Joseph and Dora. I am also interested if additional information is offered about where the parents are living.
Max's birth record is #181:
I also found two (2) other records on JRI Poland, which are the birth and death records of Zelman Janower, who also appear to be the son of Joseph and Dora. It appears that he was about 7 months old when he died. I assume he was the younger brother of my Grandfather.
Zelman's birth record is #145:
Zelman's death record is #104:
I appreciate any help! Thank you
Here is the translation for 181:
Registration date: 21 September/5 October 1903
Registration place: Warsaw
Father: Josek Janower, age 28, resident of Warsaw, house number 1720/2588
Mother: Dworja Knopmacher, age 29
Child: Moishe Mendel Janower, born 1 October/12 November 1899 at 10 in the morning
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Record 145:
Registration date: 21 July/3 August 1903
Registration place: Warsaw
Father: Josek Janower, age 28, resident of Warsaw, house number 20/2588
Mother: Dworja Knopmacher, age
Child: Zelman Janower, born 16/29 March 1903 at 5 in the afternoon
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Record 104:
Registration date: 7/20 October 1903
Registration place: Warsaw
Death date: 4/17 October 1903, at 9 o'clock (no indication of morning or night)
Death place: Warsaw
Name of Deceased: Zelman
Age: 7 months
Parents: Josek, 28 and Dworja Knopmacher, 28, house number 18/2588
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Also, you may want to check out the Reading Russian Birth/Marriage/Death records (In Poland) "How to" guides here:
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Thank you very much Ellie! I appreciate you taking the time to translate these for me! I will definitely check out the how to guide as well. Thank you again, and have a great weekend!