Slovakia (Kocise/Presov) Records Search Help Sought (New Member)
Hi I am a new member to Family Search and the Community pages.
I am actively researching my Gmother's line from Eastern Slovakia Kocise/Presov region and have successfully found her baptism as well as her sister's for extra confirmation. So I feel confident of the parents names. I also have the marriage record for her parents.
I believe I found the GGmother's baptism as well as that of her father.
I found all of these records in the Slovakia Church and Synagogue Books. However I cannot find any burial records and wonder if there are other sources that I should search. I know there was political boundary changes and wonder if that could be the reason.
GMother: Maria Novak b 1890 immigrated to US in 1907 I have all that documentation
GGMother: Anna Dorko b 1853, and her parents: Thomas Dorko & Maria Dzsarnyak
GGFather: Janos Novak b 1853
Janos Novak and Anna Dorko married 1878
If anyone has any suggestions as to how I can locate burial records I'd appreciate it.
The death/burial records are in the same place as the birth/baptism and marriage records. They just mostly haven't been indexed. Neither have the marriages, for the most part.
What place are you talking about specifically? There are a lot of places around Eperjes and Kassa....
(Apologies for possibly confusing the matter by using the Hungarian names of places, but they're what I know, and also don't contain the s-hat character that I don't remember how to type.)
I found an Anna Dorko born in 1853 to Thomas Dorko and Mária Dzsurnyák in Margitfalu, Szepes county (recorded in Jékelfalu), but the record is attached in Family Tree to a woman with a different husband (albeit without documentation), and there's no record of a groom named Novak between about 1870 and 1881 in that church's register. What's your source for them getting married in 1878, and do you know where? Weddings were usually in the bride's hometown.
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I finally put things together that this is the same question/family as on the Ancestry message board under the Slovakia-General folder.
(I'm signed in as my twin sister over there right now, which I think confuses Zlatica no end, because she only knows me by my email handle that I normally use there.)
So: the 1878 marriage you refer to was in Kassahámor (right on the border of Szepes, Sáros, and Abauj-Torna counties), which is 25 miles (as the crow flies) west of the Bacskó in Zemplén county that's listed on the passenger manifest, but only about 5 miles south of Jékelfalu and Margitfalu where Thomas Dorko and Maria Dzsurnyak are found. However, said 1878 marriage record only gives names and ages, not parents or birthplaces, so I've gotta ask: what evidence do you have that the 1853 birth/baptism is the correct Anna?
But to answer your question about death/burial records: Kassabéla's are on two films online, plus one (containing the earliest ones) on a film that's restricted ( Like a lot of the church books on FS, they go up to 1895 ( Jékelfalu's are on three films ( and also go up to 1895 (
(For completeness, Bacskó RC was recorded in Gálszécs: