Please help with the translation of the birth record of Eliabetha Jankowsky
It is the last entry on the right, page 272. I think it says 22nd of October 1760. I can see the father is Joannis Jankowsky. Is Jan a nickname for Joannis? I find other records that list him as Jan. I believe the village is Zálužice. Can you help with the rest of the entry? Does it give the mother's and grandparent's names and where they are from? Does it list the witnesses and where they are from? Thank you for any help.
Natalie McLain
Anno 1760 die 22 oct~ in Ecclesia ?? ??ensi S. Laurentii M. a. mi. P?? Francisco Schu??ky ejusdem Ecclesiae Parocho baptisa?? fuit Elisabetha filia legitima Joannis Janowsky, uxoris ejus Agnetis Parent?? ??? Frauenbergam ex pago Zaluzicz, die 21. nata oct~. ejus levans Eva uxor Viti K??, ?? in pago ???, Testis: M?? ??, Vit? K??.
Year 1760, 22nd day of October in the church of ?? St. Lawrence, (officiant: Franciscus something) baptized Elisabetha, legitimate daughter of Joannes Janowsky, his wife Agnes, something about Frauenberg?, from the village of Zaluzicz, born on the 21st day of October. Godparent ("lifter") Eva the wife of Vitus K-something, something in village something, witnesses (sorry, can't figure out).
Joannis is the Latin genitive (possessive) form of Joannes = John = Jan. Keep in mind that the form that given names took in writing had basically nothing to do with what the people were actually called: the form of a given name was determined entirely by the language being used. So in a Latin baptismal record like this, all of the given names are in Latin: Joannes, Franciscus, Agnes, etc. (or the variations on same caused by Latin grammar, like Joannis, Francisci, Agnetis). If the record were in Czech, they'd be Jan, František, Anežka, etc.
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If I may help a bit:
“Anno 1760 die 22 oct~ in Ecclesia ?? Pistinensi S. Laurentii M. a. mi. P?? Francisco Schu??ky ejusdem Ecclesia Parocho baptisata fuit Elisabetha filia legitima Joannis Janowsky, uxoris ejus Agnetis Parent?? subd. donum Frauenbergam ex pago Zaluzicz, die 21. nata oct~. ejus levans Eva uxor Viti K??, Rustici in pago ???, Testis: M?? ??, Vit? K??.“
Pistin is the village's name, so there's a reference to the place in 'Pistinensi'. Rusticus is the word for farmer. I think 'subd donum' refers to 'subditi (donum)' which are 'domestic workers', a maid or farmhand, in the service of (probably: Mr.) Frauenberger in the village of Zaluzicz.
Vitus' surname may be Kampal or Kampel.
Imho, that last phrase is Testis: Marity levantis Vitus Kampal/Kampel(?). So for some reason, the godmother's husband served as witness.
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Thank you very much Julia & StH31. Pistin is the parish, Zaluzicz is the village. At least I have a first name for the mother. This has been a big help. I'll look for other records of siblings, maybe one of those records may have the full name of Agnes.