help transcribing a birth record
Hello, I believe this is the birth record of my 4x great grandmother in Kalników, Galicia. I have tried to transcribe (Latin) what I see. I would appreciate it if someone could look over what I have and make corrections where necessary - thanks in advance! 2nd entry, scan 55 from this site:
Natus: Aprilis 1, 1822
Baptisatus: Aprilis 2, 1822
Numerus domus: 60
Nomen: Maria [Pawliszyn]
[Graeca] Catholica, Puella, Legitimi
Parentes Nomen: Joannes Pawliszyn [et] Irena(?) filia Stephani Petriszyn(?)
Conditio: agricola
Patrini nomen: Stephanus Polny, Maria ____(?) ____(?) ____(?)
Conditio: ____(?)
The wife's name is Jerena (daughter of Stephan) Petriszyn.
Patrini: ... Maria Basilii Selecki uxor (Maria, wife of Basilius Selecki)
Conditio: subditi
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thank you @StH31