Looking for info on Raphele Maffucci.
How and where can I find documentation for the birth of Raphele Maffucci, PID GHMZ-XPK, born 21 September 1836 at Monteforte Cilento, Salerno, Camania, Italy?
One place to look for this record is the FamilySearch catalog. The Italy Genealogy Resource Links at the top of our community page explain a little about accessing records in the catalog:
FamilySearch Catalog. Access the catalog from the homepage by clicking “Search” then “Catalog.” In the place field, enter Italy, (name of province), (name of town)..click the name in the green default below, then click Search. Civil registration and church records are cataloged on the town or parish level. Click the subject of interest such as civil registration. Click on the blue title of the collection. Scroll down to see the film notes and details. Under the format column if you see a camera, the digital images are available at home, or camera with key at a family history center. A microfilm reel icon indicates these records are available from FamilySearch only on microfilm at the Salt Lake Family History Library. You can also navigate to the parish level by starting with Italy, search, click blue “Places within Italy,” then choose Province and click “Places with….”
Following these instructions, you can find the civil registration records for Monteforte Cilento here:
Scroll down this page, notice there camera's with a key...this means the films have to be viewed at a family history center. Do you have one near you? Also notice there is no magnifying glass. This means these films have not been indexed. So you cannot just type in a name to search, you will have to browse them.
But the good news is that I see Nati (births) for 1836. So the record probably exists. Now, just need to get at it.
Some of our other community patrons may have ideas for how to access this record on the Portale Antenati website.
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The civil records for Monteforte Cilento 1809-1865 are online on Antenati. See: https://www.antenati.san.beniculturali.it/search-registry/?localita=monteforte%20cilento
Here is the birth record you are seeking: https://www.antenati.san.beniculturali.it/ark:/12657/an_ua1111777/Lq4meEM
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Thank you so very much. Where would I go to have this translated? I'm most interest in finding information regarding Rafelle's parents. Suggestions on moving forward would be much appreciated. Thank you.
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Raffaele Matteo Maffuccio born 21 Sep 1836 to Domenico Maffuccio, age 28, laborer, and Anna Reiello, age 30, living in Monteforte. Baptized the same day.
There are loads of Italian translation aids here (including several from FamilySearch): https://sites.google.com/view/genealogicaltranslations/home#h.p_tCyQwnWHbkcP