Looking for help to translate a christening record for Svend 1738
Found in Norwegian Digital Archives: https://media.digitalarkivet.no/view/9351/45233/26. On the left hand side of the page, about the 7th name up from the bottom. Looks like father's name is Ole Svend and mother is Mari Hansdt. Thanks in advance!
The 10th Sunday after Trinity (10 August 1738) @ Fluberg Ole Svenson's and Mari Hansd: child from Aadnæs (?) called Svend. Christening witnesses/Godparents Hans Giesla (?) and wife, Christopher Klocker, Peder Rudnigen's (?) wife, Ola (can't make out the last name), Hovel (?) Schøien
The mother was introduced into the church on the 14th Sunday after Trinity (7 September 1738)
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Thanks for the quick response! So how did you figure out when Trinity was? What is introducing the mother to the church entail?
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Nice work @Norm Baker .Julie, this FamilySearch wiki article about church introductions might interest you. https://www.familysearch.org/wiki/en/Norway_Church_Records#Introductions
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Thanks Shari!!
Concerning the Feast Days (ie. 14th Sunday after Trinity), this is a great webinar on how to use them: https://www.familysearch.org/ask/learningViewer/899 . The part concerning Feast Days starts about 12 1/2 minutes into the webinar.
And a link from the Family Search Research Wiki where you can look at the list of Moveable Feast Days: https://www.familysearch.org/wiki/en/Norway_Feast_Day_Calendars .