Help with fathers name and birthday on record.
Can someone read what the father's name is on this birth record and what the date is? I'm looking for Marit Knutsdatter (9QT8-PWG) in 1774. Death record puts her in 1774. I think the fathers name is Knut, but can't read the last name. This is on page 43 line 25 (left page, left column). Thanks!
This was a difficult one for me, but I'm thinking Thronsen after looking at other examples of how he writes "Th". I could be wrong so hopefully others will verify. Here is an example of the name Thore to demonstrate more of his "Th".
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Two examples from the pages in this record.
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@Shari Duce Any chance you can read the date on this record? I think it is around December looking at other records above, but I can't read what the Movable Feast Days is to get the most accurate date. A wild guest it is saying Juledag and in Feast days I see it as 25 of December. Let me know if I'm right or wrong. Thanks!
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Yes, that is correct Jonathan. Great job.
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@Shari Duce The one your help me to get the fathers name. Child is Marit and father is Knut Thronsen. I need to know what day and month was this record. This is on page 43 line 25 (left page, left column). I have a hard time reading the writing on the Feast day to find what the date is. Thanks!
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Thanks! I figure out my first Feast Day! Ya! Thanks for double checking I'm right.
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Juledage, is 25 December. It is a "fixed" holiday, always on the same day. Not like Easter and other holidays that are "moveable". My mother was also a Christmas baby.