Norway Birth Record Translation 1791
I need help reading a Norway birth record. Thanks for your help!
- Is the father Knud Trondsen?
- Is the birth name Maret or Marit?
- If so can someone help me read the moveable feast date (I'm not good at reading it)?
- Anything else on this record I need to know about to help me with a family history like is the child born out of wedlock?
Page 59, right column, record number 40 (second from the bottom)
The record reads:
"it(em) Samme dag døbt Knud Skredders P(ike) B(arn) N(avn) Mareth". The witness's names then follow.
The translation is:
"Likewise the same day baptized Knud Tailor's girl child (with the) name Mareth."
There is no mention of illegitimacy, as in some of the other births on this page, so it is a legitimate birth.
For the christening/baptism date you have to look up 2 entries to #38. (Entry #39 date is "item dito dato" which is "likewise the same date".) That date is 15 Sundays after Trinity-2 October (1791).