Katharina Scholl 12 Nov 1820 rt film 102078348 page 947
Translation request:
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Good morning @Kent Gardiner,
No. 52.
On the 10th of November [1820] in the evening at 6:30 pm born and on the 12th of the same month in the afternoon at 2:00 pm baptized: Katharina [Scholl]. Parents are the local citizen and master glazier Gottlieb Scholl and his wife Margaretha, née Cammererin. Baptismal witnesses are: (1) Jakob Friedrich Haßler. local citizen. (2) His wife Barbara Margaretha, née Beckerin. (3) Jakob Friedrich Cammerer, local citizen. (4) His wife Elisabetha, née Müllerin.
Graben, on the 12th of November 1820. T. G. Beck, pastor.
Right margin: died 25 November 1820.
Robert Seal_1 Robert, I watched a RootsTech speaker talk about how to find German records on FS. It was ok but the real cherry on top of the banana split is a beautiful translation. She didn't show one translation. A translation brings the document to life. To see the time the child was born, when the child was baptized, who the witnesses (friends of the family) were and their occupations shines a bright light on their lives. Thanks for doing this for me. KG.
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You are always very welcome, Kent.