EICKERT, Vorderweidenthal, Pfalz. Translation help please
Below is what I was able to translate, but there are several blanks. Could someone help please. Thank you very much
(Line 1) Heute den fünfzehnte September 1850 erhielt in ____ ________ zu Dierbach
(Line 2) durch den unterzeichneten Pfarrer und in Gegenwart der Taifzeugen : 1 Friedrich ____hs von Dierbach, Ackerbauer,
(Line 3) _________________ _Confession ???. 2 _________ Ki_________ , Schneider ? Kathol??? Confession ???, 3, Margaretha Rapp,
(Line 4) ______ _____, ledig, ________ Confession ???, und 4, Margaretha ______ . . .
(Line 5) Die Weihe der heiligen Taufe Margaretha Eickert
(Line 6) geboren den zehnten September 1840, Tochter von Friedrich Eickert zü Dierbach und dessen Ehefrau
(Line 7) Anna Maria Rapp, _____ _____: Confession ???
(Line 8) Die Geburt dieses ist laut der dem unterzeichneten Pfarrer zugeftellten Bescheinigung des Civilstands-Beamten
(Line 9) von 11 September 1840 in die Geburts-Register des Gemeide Dimbach eingetragen worden.
(Line 10) Untershrift des Pfarrers
(Line 11) ___________________
Best Answers
My additions in bold:
(Line 1) Heute den fünfzehnten September 1850 erhielt in dem Betsaale zu Dimbach
(Line 2) durch den unterzeichneten Pfarrer und in Gegenwart der Taifzeugen : 1 Friedrich Hese? von Dimbach, Ackerbauer,
(Line 3) protest. _Confession, 2 Stephan Kirsch , Schneider ? Kathol. Confession, 3, Margaretha Rapp,
(Line 4) von da, ledig, protest. Confession, und 4, Margaretha _____?, Ehefrau von Stephan Kirsch
(Line 5) Die Weihe der heiligen Taufe Margaretha Eickert
(Line 6) geboren den zehnten September 1840, Tochter von Friedrich Eickert zu Dimbach und dessen Ehefrau
(Line 7) Anna Maria Rapp, beide protest. Confession
(Line 8) Die Geburt dieses Kindes ist laut der dem unterzeichneten Pfarrer zugestellten Bescheinigung des Civilstands-Beamten
(Line 9) vom 11 September 1840 in die Geburts-Register der Gemeide Dimbach eingetragen worden.
(Line 10) Unterschrift des Pfarrers
(Line 11) Herche
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Thank you so much for filling in the blanks and correcting my errors. This is most helpful.
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Hello Linda,
Question: Have I interpreted the sequence of events correctly?
Yes, I agree with your interpretation.
Questions: Does Friedrich Eickert reside in Dimbach?
Yes, this is what it says. I now notice that one word was missing in the transcription: Friedrich Eickert Tagner zu Dimbach, which means: Friedrich Eickert, day laborer in Dimbach.
The translation is generally correct, although it is difficult to transform the nested German sentence into intelligible English... Here is my attempt:
Today, 15 September 1850, received the consecration of the holy baptism in the prayer room at Dimbach by the undersigned pastor and in the presence of the witnesses 1. Friedrich Hese? of Dimbach, farmer, of lutheran confession, 2. Stephan Kirsch, tailor from here, of catholic confession, 3. Margaretha Rapp, from here, unmarried, of lutheran confession, and 4. Margaretha _____?, wife of Stephan Kirsch: Margaretha Eickert, born 10 September 1840, daughter of Friedrich Eickert in Dimbach and his wife Anna Maria Rapp, both of lutheran confession. The birth of this child has been registered in the birth register of Dimbach community according to the certificate of the civil registrar of 11 September 1840 sent to the undersigned pastor. Signature of the pastor Herche
Below is the translation of the entry above. (Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version))
Today the fifteenth of September 1850 received in the prayer room at Dimbach by the undersigned pastor and in the presence of the witnesses: 1 Friedrich Hese? of Dimbach, farmer, protest. _Confession, 2 Stephan Kirsch , tailor ? Catholic. Confession, 3, Margaretha Rapp, from there, single, protest. Confession, and 4, Margaretha _____?, wife of Stephan Kirsch The consecration of the holy baptism Margaretha Eickert born the tenth of September 1840, daughter of Friedrich Eickert to Dimbach and his wife Anna Maria Rapp, both protest. Confession. The birth of this child has been registered in the birth register of the parish of Dimbach according to the certificate of the civil status official of 11 September 1840 sent to the undersigned pastor. Signature of the pastor Herche
The apparent sequence of events is:
10 Sep 1840: Margaretha Eickert is born.
11 Sep 1840: Margaretha's birth was registered in the Dimbach birth (civil) register.
15 Sep 1850: Margaretha was bapatised in the prayer room at Dimbach.
Question: Have I interpreted the sequence of events correctly?
Questions: Does Friedrich Eickert reside in Dimbach?
Thank you for any clarification / explanation that can be provided.
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Again, thank you so much for the additional help. It gives me a better understanding of the process.