Marriage record help...
Could someone tell me (in general/pertinent details) what the second paragraph on this marriage record says, please? I know the marriage record is for Carl Wilhelm Lawaczeck and Anna Maria Hubertina Maessen, 7 October 1891. Anna was born in Kempen, parents: Henrich Hubertus Maessen and Anna Theuerzeit). I just don't know what exactly is in that second paragraph. Thanks in advance!
Both announcements regarding this marriage , done without contest,happening here, the 27 th of September -L.L -(laatstleden)-(that has been),and "vier den dezer"-done in 4-fold, furthermore the deeds of the birth of the fiancéés were shown to us, and the deeds of baptism of the parents of the groom and bride as well as a notary-deed with permission for the marriage given by the parents of the bride.Furthermore the couple declares to recognise (legalise) a child named Heinrich Wilhelm etc,...born here the 12 th of July this year.(1891)(see above)
For the first paragraph, both parents are born in Germany , the woman in Kempen, the male in Kevelaar.(newer spelling)
Kevelaer (old spelling)
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Thank you so much!