Translation of note on FamilySearch Person Page
There was a "note" added to a FamilySearch Person Page for Hanna Luise Noth that I'm interested in reading and it's in German. I don't understand German grammar so I will skip translating this one and appreciate the help. I think the note is referring to someone's merge of duplicates done previously. Thank you.
Alternative Namen
Quellen werden gesucht
Friederike Christiane Luize
Louise ist belegt in Hochzeit eines Kindes (verknüpft)
Woher kommt das Hanna?
[The note was later deleted with this reason added]
Hanna Luise bestätigt in Namensforschung durch Rolf Grube, Nmb.
Best Answer
The note is wondering what sources exist to support the name for the person. It comments that "Louise" was used as her name in one of her children's wedding records. It wonders what source there is for the name "Hanna" .
The note was deleted with the comment that the name "Hanna Luise" was confirmed in name research done by Rolf Grube.