translation help
I am not sure about the place that Johannes Heinemann was born in.
Also after Garten Knecht, is it just saying where he front of the butcher's gate?
Thank you, Terry
Hello @TerryCarlson
the place Johannes Heinimann is from is Liechstal, in modern spelling Liestal, a community about 11 miles SE of Basel, Switzerland (
In former times there was a Ziegelhof (brick factory) in Liechstal which was located vor dem Metzgertor (before the butcher's gate). Later it was the site of a brewery (Ziegelhof Bier, Now it is just the name of that area which you can find in Google Maps if you enter "Liestal, Ziegelhof".
Both Johann and his father worked at the brick factory, Johann as a brickmaker (Ziegler) and his father as a "Garten Knecht".
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Thank you so much. I thought they were from somewhere north of baden but apparently not.
One more question. What does Bassler refer to in relation to Liestal?
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One more question. What does Bassler refer to in relation to Liestal?
The text is: von Liechstal Baßler Gebiets, which means: from Liestal in the area (or county) of Basel
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Thank you once again. I misread Gebiets as Gebirts. Now it makes sense. I am very grateful for your help.