Marriage Date 14 May 1878, Thekla Martin and Maritius Schoch, Film Number:007990514, Schwenningen
Good afternoon @Michael J Martin 806,
No. 7.
In the year 1878 on the 14th of May, after previous [marriage] proclamations here on 28 April and 5 and 12 May of this year, were married by the undersigned [priest]: the unmarried Mauritius Schoch, illegitimate son of Agatha Schoch from Dettingen near Haigerloch, born on 22 September 1838, residing since ___? at "Schloß Hausen" [= Schlosshausen], and the unmarried
FranziskaThekla Martin from here, illegitimate daughter of Franziska Martin, born on 21 September 1842. Witnesses were Karl Vollmann from Friedingen and Robert Greiner from BärenthalSchwenningen, 14 May 1878. Hitschler.
My comments: Note that when some scribes made a mistake in a record, they underlined the mistaken word and wrote the correct word above th mistake. That is what happend here when the scribe wrote "Franziska" and then corrected it to "Thekla". I've shown this error as a strike-through in the translation.
Note in the right margin where the groom and bride's names are written that the bride's first name is spelled: "Thecla", which is a variant spelling of "Thekla".
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Thank you again my friend for the explanation and translation. It seems that there were a lot of unmarried people at that time having children. Not that it was common, but it seemed to be common in my family. I know that famine and war came to that part of Germany at that time.
Regards and thank you again. These documents mean a lot to me.
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You're welcome, Michael (or do you prefer "Mike"?).
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Mick, is what I prefer.
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Okay, got it Mick!
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You can call me any name you want, just don't call me "Late For Diner" lol