What are the status and occupation for this groom and his father?
Could someone please help with a translation of the standing for Adolph Fischer and his father? What is the abbreviation H. S. before his occupation? Here is what I have been able to transcribe and translate.
Herr Adolph Fischer, H. S. Kreisamts-Viceaktuar hier, ein Junggeselle, Herrn Johann Carl Gottlob Fischer, Bürgermeisters, ?efapothekers und Besitzers der Mehrenapotheke hier, 2. Zweiter Sohn 3. Drittes Kind
Mr. Adolph Fischer, ? ? vice accountant (actuary?) of the district government, a bachelor, 2nd son, 3rd child of Mr. Johann Carl Gottlob Fischer, mayor, ? apothecary, and owner of the Mehren apothecary here
The record can be found on FamilySearch at this link. The location is Kahla, Roda, Sachsen-Altenburg.
Best Answers
Hello @bobgreiner1,
I only recently came across the occupation "Aktuar" and translated it as "court clerk" based on the following definition I found on Wörterbuchnetz:
"Aktuar (lat. Actuarius), Beamter, der bei Behörden die Protokolle etc. anfertigt; s. Meyers Gerichtsschreiber."
Translation: Actuary (lat. Actuarius), official who prepares the protocols, etc., for authories; see Meyers: court clerk.
The reference to Meyers is to the following reference which is one of the sources on Wörterbuchnetz: Meyers Großes Konversationslexikon (6th edition, 1905-1909).
I would suspect that a Viceaktuar is an assistant court clerk.
The father's second occupation is: "Hofapotheker" = court/manor/estate/farmstead apothecary.
Here is the link to an article about "Hofapotheke" from the German Wikipedia: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hof-Apotheke
I am stumped by the abbreivation "H. S." and hope that another community member will be able to enlighten both of us as to what this abbreviation means.
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Yes, that article certainly seems to explain the term found in this record. Kahla in Sachsen-Altenburg is not that far from Erfurt and Eisleben mentioned in the article.
Thanks again!
Thanks for your help Robert.
In another marriage record, I found the abbreviation H. S. partially spelled out. I believe it may be "herzoglich Sachsen", i.e. the Duchy of Saxony. So his occupation was court clerk for the Duchy of Saxony.
What about the additional occupation listed for Johann Carl Gottlob Fischer?
Besitzers der Mehren[?]apotheke
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You're welcome, Bob.
Thank you for the explanation of "H. S." which makes sense.
Your translation of the father's third occupation made sense to me: "owner of the Mehren apothecary here" which is why I didn't comment on it.
BUT it's likely the word is actually "Mohrenapotheke". And if so, here is a link to the article about "Mohrenapotheke" from the German Wikipedia: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohrenapotheke
What do you think?