Marriage Record Translation Please

Could I please have Gottfried Hoeke and Anna Maria Eleonor Kindel's marriage record translated.
Thank you,
Best Answer
Hello Tina,
this is not the record of the marriage, but just of the banns before marriage:
Den 23ten, 24ten und 25ten Sonntage nach Trinitatis, also den 1ten, 8ten und 15ten Nov: ist in den hiesigen Kirchen zu Loeblau der Schuhmachergesell Johann Gottfried Hoecke von Klein Lepschin gebürtig, und des daselbst gewesenen, jetzt aber schon verstorbenen Pächters Michael Hoecke jüngster Sohn mit der ehr- und tugendsamen Jungfer Anna Maria Eleonora Kindel, von Loeblau gebürtig und des Eigenthümers in Ober Kohlbude Michael Kindel und deßen Ehefrau Christina gebohrene Groenke ältesten Jungfer Tochter dreymal unspruchs__ aufgeboten worden. Die Copulation aber ist in Scheinfeld geschehen.
in the left column: Ober Kohlbude
in the right column: 30 Jahre (groom) 22 Jahre (bride)
On the 23rd, 24th and 25th Sunday after Trinity, thus November 1st, 8th and 15th [1812] Johann Gottfried Hoecke, a journeyman shoemaker born in Klein Lepschin and the youngest son of Michael Hoecke, tenant there but now deceased, and the honorable and virtuous maiden Anna Maria Eleonora Kindel, a native of Loeblau, eldest daughter of Michael Kindel, landowner in Ober Kohlbude, and his wife Christina Groenke, were proclamated three times in the local churches in Loeblau without objection. The copulation, however, took place in Scheinfeld.
Löblau and Ober Kahlbude are located close to each other in West Prussia, see map in Meyers:
Klein Lepschin has no entry in Meyers, but can be found immediately west of Lipschin:
I couldn't find Scheinfeld in West Prussia.
Thank you! I really appreciate it!
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I believe it could be Rheinfeld instead of Scheinfeld. I have another record that states Rheinfeld.
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Hello Tina,
yes, that makes sense. Rheinfeld is close to Löblau.