DNA Testing and locks of hair from deceased ancestors?
@Ancestor Treasures
Yes ago when I was a curator at a DC museum (DAR Museum) we had the FBI test around a dozen strands of hair believed to be from George Washington. DNA testing was in its infancy at the time and the FBI thought it would be a fun project. Surprisingly, there is a lot of G. Washington's hair around. The hair came from different museums around the country such as Mount Vernon, Tudor Place, DAR Museum, and other Museums with Washington-related donations. They used a hair from a descendant of Washington's mother to compare, since GW had no direct descendants. In the end most of the hair was too deteriorated from microscopic bugs to get a result although several were in tact and may have likely been the real thing. Since DNA testing has come far since the human genome was encoded in the late 1990s/2000 they have again tested some of GW's hair. Google it-it is interesting.