Michael Daedelow birth transcription and translation help request
Please assist me by providing a transcription and translation into English of the birth record of my 5th ggf. The second attachment is the record of his birth. The first attachment is included for reference. It is a crossed out record of his birth on the previous page.
Link to the record in Archion:
Link to Michael's profile in Ancestry:
Rebecca Kennedy
Best Answer
Hello Rebecca,
Jochen Dadelowen Schultze h.l. sind den 26 September 2 Söhne geb. davon der eine lebendig zur Welt gekommen und am selbigen Tage noch getauft worden und Michel genant worden.
Paten: Michel Kühn Küster h.l., Jürgen Dadelow der hießigen Pfarrbauren eltester Sohn und Maria Dorothea Kreienbrinck, deßen Vater Leinenweber alhie ist.
On 26 September 2 sons were born to Jochen Dadelow, mayor here; one of them was born alive and baptized on the same day and named Michel.
Sponsors: Michel Kühn, sexton here, Jürgen Dadelow, eldest son of the parish farmer here, and Maria Dorothea Kreienbrinck, whose father is a linen weaver here.
In the other record Jürgen Dadelow is called des Kindes Vater Bruders Sohn = the son of the brother of the child's father, which means he is the first cousin of the child.
Hello Ulrich,
Thank you! Your transcriptions are helping me so much in learning to read the handwriting. Thanks for the comment -- I do so appreciate all the relationships included in the early Warlin and Pragsdorf records.