Translation Help
I want to request help from the group for a marriage record from the early 1800s. I am currently learning Kurrent, which the document is written in, however, it is hard for me to read as my skills are still at a beginning level.
The record is in two parts and I am including both parts in this request. I would appreciate both a German and English transcription, although having just the German would be a help.
Much metta,
Best Answer
Mr. Ulrich,
Thank you again for answering my query for translation. I am very pleased with the job you did and very happy you helped me by translating the marriage record.
Thank you again and much metta,
Josephus Metzmeier, Magdalena Lorenzin
Im Jahre Eintausend achthundert eilf den 25. Hornung Vormittag um 10 Uhr nach vorhergegangenen drey Aufgebothen, welche geschehen sind den 10. 17. und 24. Hornung, und erhaltenem Entlastungsschein von dem Pfarrer der Hochzeiterin Herrn Joachim Emich zu S__rzag?, auch nicht eingelegter Einsprache haben vor meinem Kaplan Landherr, der Versammlung in der Kirche, und unten genannten Zeugen ihre Einwilligung in die Ehe öffentlich erklärt, und sind auf meinen des unterschriebenen Pfarrers besonderen Auftrage
von genanntem Kaplan Johannes Landherr ehelich getraut worden: Joseph Metzmeyer ein Bauer 40. Jahre alt, Bürger zu Baden in Gunzenbach, Wittmann seiner verstorbenen Ehefrau Maria Anna Jörgerin, und Magdalena Lorenzin, des Andreaß Lorenz und der Barbara __nßin? verstorbenen Eheleuthe und Bürger zu Leiberstung ehelich lediger Tochter, gegen 30 Jahre alt. Zeugen: Erhard Lorenz, Bürger zu Leiberstung und Johannes Jürgen Labinger?. zu Baden im Thiergarten.
Joseph Lechleitner, Pfarrer zu Baden
Joseph Metzmeier, Magdalena Lorenz
In the year 1811 on 25 February 10 a.m., after three previous banns, which took place on the 10th, 17th and 24th of February, and after having received a certificate of discharge from the priest of the bride, Mr. Joachim Emich at S__rzag?, and after not having received an objection, have publicly declared their consent to the marriage in front of my chaplain Landherr, the congregation in the church, and the witnesses mentioned below, and have, on the special order of the undersigned priest,
been married by the said chaplain Johannes Landherr: Joseph Metzmeyer, a farmer 40 years old, citizen of Baden in Gunzenbach, widower of his deceased wife Maria Anna Jörger, and Magdalena Lorenz, legitimate unmarried daughter of Andreaß Lorenz and Barbara __nss?, deceased couple and citizens of Leiberstung, about 30 years old. Witnesses: Erhard Lorenz, citizen of Leiberstung and Johannes Jürgen Labinger? of Baden iin Thiergarten.
Joseph Lechleitner, Priest in Baden
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Mr. Neitzel,
In the translation I noticed there are two words that were hard to translate. I tried to reasearch them could the first, "Emich zu S__rzag", be "Emich zu Swarzag"? It looks like a town name to me. Also, could "Andreaß Lorenz und der Barbara __nßin" be "Andreaß Lorenz und der Barbara Tenßin"? This looks one looks like a last name.
Much metta,
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Yes, you are right. The first should be the name of a town or village; however I couldn't find any that fits. The second is the family name of Barbara; I am not quite sure about the right spelling. Locations and family names are the most difficult to read correctly if there is no other hint. Maybe you find another record where these people and town are named, that may help in correct deciphering.
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Mr. Neitzel,
Thank you for your prompt response. I will check on family names and town names. I appreciate your help in translating the record.
Much metta,