Translation Assistance for Death Record
Hello. I am attaching a screen shot of a record I found on Archion, that I would greatly appreciate some help in translating.
Death record of Friedrich Othmer, February 1862, Hameln
Entry number 130, page 199 ( Niedersachsen: Landeskirchliches Archiv Hannover > Kirchenkreis Hameln-Pyrmont > Hameln - Bonifatius, Nikolai > B 1853-1862, Bild 199)
I really only require assistance with two of the columns in the record: third (voller Namen, Stand und Wohnort) and ninth (Bemerkungen). I am unsure of some of the details provided with Friedrich's name and, after an all out effort to understand the details written in the Remarks box, I gave up. However, I believe there is some issue with the original birth record in Bad Rehburg, possibly something to do with inheritance, and the mention of Friedrich's brother, Eduard, the master tailor in Hameln.
Also, I want to be sure that I have correctly translated the cause of death as stroke (schlag?).
Many thanks for your help.
Best Answer
Hello Kathy,
third column:
Othmer, angeblich Friedrich, unverheiratheter Schneidergesell in Hameln = Othmer, allegedly Friedrich, unmarried journeyman tailor in Hameln
ninth column:
Als Geburtsort des Verstorbenen ist Bad Rehburg angegeben. Da aber ein von dorther vom Unterzeichneten verlangter Geburts und Taufschein vergebens erwartet wurde, so mußten die Rubriken 3,4 und 5 nach den Angaben des Bruders des Verstorbenen, des Schneidermeisters Othmer hieselbst, ausgefüllt werden, damit der Abschluß des Jahrganges erfolgen konnte. Daß Rehburg der Geburtsort sei, brachte der Unterzeichnete erst später in Erfahrung.
Bad Rehburg is given as the place of birth of the deceased. However, since a birth and baptismal certificate requested from there by the undersigned was expected in vain, the columns 3, 4 and 5 had to be filled out according to the information given by the brother of the deceased, the master tailor Othmer here, so that the completion of the year could take place. The undersigned only found out later that Rehburg was the place of birth,
Cause of death: Schlag = stroke
Thank you so much Ulrich. That was a lot of information in the Remarks section! And the writing grew increasingly smaller as it went on! Interestingly, I have been through the Rehburg records for that time period and found only one birth record for Eduard Othmer in 1825. I will have to return to those records and search again. The father, Jacob Anton, seemed to move the family around due to his occupation; other records were from church books from the military community in Hannover. The information you provided is extremely helpful and very much appreciated.
It was shocking to see the cause of death as stroke since the deceased was only 24 years old.
Best regards and, again, a huge thank you for your help!