Johanna Zwecker birth Georg Philipp fatherMaria Sidonia Gamer m 9 Sep 1785 film 102078348 page 627
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Hello Kent,
On the 9th of September [1785] in the morning at 8:00 am born and on the 11th of the same month baptized: Johanna [Zwecker].
Father: Georg Philipp Zwecker, the local citizen and master cartwright.
Mother: Maria Sidonia, née Gamerin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Joh[ann] Christoph Zimmermann, the local citizen and fusilier. (2) Wendel Mezger, legitimate unmarried son of Joh[ann] Wendel Mezger, the local citizen. (3) Margaretha Schollin, née Blauin, wife of Christoph Scholl, the local citizen. (4) Maria Margaretha Kraussin, née Wenzin, wife of Wilhelm Krauß, the local citizen. (5) Johanna Kemmin, legitimate unmarried daughter of Mr. Joh[ann] Philipp Kemm. the local mayor.
Robert, Wow, 5 witnesses. Sometimes I find documents with 8 or 9 witnesses and I think, I hope there isn't any Scholl's here because it will be too much to translate. Silly thought but as you work through lots of documents your mind tends to spin. Thanks for helping me this morning!!!! KG
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You're welcome, Kent.