Translation help for 1694 Greiner marriage record
I need some help with a few words in this marriage record. Here is what I have so far.
"1694 d. 16 Mart[ii] ist Daniel Greiner, ________ gesell von Oxenbach mit Susanna, Philip Zimmermanns hinterlassener Witwer ______ ______ ehelich copuliret worden."
I'm not sure what type of occupation precedes 'gesell' or whether the two words following Witwer are Latin terms.
Thanks in advance. Here is a link to the record on FamilySearch.
Best Answer
I believe the Latin words are/should be "praemissis praemittendis" , literally "after pre-mentioning what needs to be pre-mentioned", a formula that can be found frequently in old documents. It is also found (better readable) in the preceding entry.
What regards the word before "Gesell": I would expect "junger", but can't identify all letters.
Thank you for your insight @Ulrich Neitzel