Jacob Scholl sponsor 1 left top 26 Jan 1795 film 102078348 page 1795

Translation request:
Good morning Kent,
On the 26th of January [1795] midday at 3:00 pm born and on the 27th of the same month baptized: Martin Friderich Wilhelm.
Father: Martin Schreiber, imperial and royal soldier from the Infantry Regiment Archduke Ferdinand.
Mother: Elisabetha, née Sewerin, surviving daughter of the late Wilhelm Sewer, former citizen and master lathe turner here.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Jacob Scholl, surviving legitimate unmarried son of the late Balthasar Scholl, former citizen here. (2) Friderica Holzin, legitimate unmarried daughter of Christoph Holz, the local citizen, master butcher, innkeeper at the sign of the stag, and area postmaster. (3) Elizabetha Hallin, surviving legitimate unmarried daughter of the late Christoph Hall, former "Staigers auf der Hfrstl. Speierschen" salt works at Bruchsal.
Left column: [child conceived] from premarital relations.
Right column: + [died].
Comment: The city of Bruchsal, approximately 6 miles southeast of Graben, did have a salt works. See the following link: https://second.wiki/wiki/liste_der_salinen_deutschlands#Baden-W%C3%BCrttemberg