Family History Center
Is there a group for Temple and Family History Consultants - Family History or as we old timers say Directors? If not can someone tell me how to start one. I see a question here that ask about training for T&FHC -FHC and with over 30 years in FHC's we really need one. I really am please to find this sight and will pass it on to other Consultants in our Stake.
Brother Legge
@George Ezell Legg(e) Yes, there is a Family History Center Group. To find it, click Groups, then click in the box that says "Search Groups" and enter "Center". Click Family History Center Consultants.
A good way to request training for a center consultant is from the FamilySearch Help area. Click FamilySearch Help on the home page of Community and then click Family History Centers. Support agents keep an eye on that area.