Translation help birth record year 1794
I would appreciate a bit of help to finish the transcription and translation of the baptism record (entry 1953). I especially want to know the meaning of the information about the father because there is only a surname. Could this be an out of wedlock birth? The death record for Clause is found on image 449 (entry 7) and the parents names in the record are Joachim Friedrich Lange and Elisabeth nee Möller.
Image 179 (page 318) shows the year of birth was 1794. The records are found on Retschow, Church records (1), Kirchenbuch 1641-1911, 69494.
Thank you! Debra
Tag der geb. (geboren): 20 August [1794]
Tag der taufe: 21 August 1794
Name des Vater: Der Einlieger Lange in Reinshag[en] x Der Bauer
Name der Mutter: Elisabeth Möller
Name der Kind: Claus Jochim Heinrich [entry] 1953 Gestorben 1872 Juli 31.
Name der Paten: 1. Schulz Claus Winter in Reinshag[en] 2. Sch? Bauer ? 3. ? Ros? Bauer
Prediger: Gli?
Date of birth: 20th August [1794]
Date of baptism: 21st August [1794]
Name of father: The Einlieger Lange in Reinshag[en] x Bauer
Name of mother: Elisabeth Möller
Name of child: Claus Jochim Heinrich [entry] 1953 died 31st July 1872
Names of baptismal sponsors: 1. Schulz Claus Winter in Reinshag[en] 2. Sch? Bauer ? 3. ? Ros? Bauer
Preacher: Gil?
Best Answer
my additions in bold:
Tag der Geb[urt]. (geboren): 20 August [1794]
Tag der Taufe: 21 August 1794
Name des Vaters: Der Einlieger Lange in Reinshag[en] x Der Bauer
Name der Mutter: Elisabeth Möller
Name des Kinds: Claus Jochim Heinrich [entry] 1953 Gestorben 1872 Juli 31.
Name der Paten: 1. Schulz Claus Winter in Reinshag[en] 2. Schuhmacher Bauer daselbst 3. Heinrich Roß Bauer
Prediger: Glien?
Date of birth: 20th August [1794]
Date of baptism: 21st August [1794]
Name of father: The tenant Lange in Reinshag[en] x farmer
Name of mother: Elisabeth Möller
Name of child: Claus Jochim Heinrich [entry] 1953 died 31st July 1872
Names of baptismal sponsors: 1. Mayor Claus Winter in Reinshag[en] 2. Schumacher Bauer there 3. Heinrich Ross farmer
Preacher: Glien?
Comments: the designations of the second sponsor can be both a name or an occupation (Schuhmacher = shoemaker, Bauer = farmer); so it could be a shoemaker named Bauer, or a man named Schuhmacher who is a farmer. It is odd that the first name is not given; just like for the father. There is no indication that the child should been born out of wedlock.
I forgot about your previous explanation that the capitalizing of words in German is important, so Geb. = Geburt = birth makes sense. The translation of the second sponsor's occupations/names is funny! I agree it's odd that the father's first name wasn't given. The explanation that the record doesn't indicate the parents relationship was out of wedlock is very helpful. Thank you.