Help to transcript and translate this document (Fritz Mühlenbein)
Best Answer
Hello @new-deutsch-girl,
Your life was toil and work, God gave you rest.
This afternoon the Lord of Life and Death called my dear husband, our good father, father-in-law, grandfather, great-grandfather, brother-in-law, and uncle
Fritz Mühlenbein
at the age of 78 years after a serious illness into eternity.
In silent mourning:
Theresia Mühlenbein, née Runte
Franziska Limpinsel, née Mühlenbein
Hedwig Stuhldreier, née Mühlenbein
Franz Stuhldreier
Maria Otten, née Mühlenbein
Willi Otten
Hanni Mühlenbein
Grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and relatives.
3538 Niedermarsberg, Stobkeweg 6, Dortmund, Düsseldorf, on 21 January 1973.
The requiem is on Thursday, 25 January, at 2:30 pm in the Provost Church in Niedermarsberg, followed by the funeral from the cemetery chapel.
Joh. Schulte, Marsberg.