Help with a a document to transcript
Best Answer
I already translated the first one (see Let me know if you would like a transcription as well, and I'll be happy to provide that. I just now noticed that you've asked for help to "transcript" (not translate) the records, so below is a transcription of the second record. Let me know if you would like a translation too, or if you meant to just ask for a translation.
Note: I suggest uploading the images you've found (along with links and reference information about where you found them) to the FamilySearch Tree. I see you've already added some information for Friedrich Mühlenbein (; but if you click on the "Sources" tab on her page, you can upload actual images for him and add source information. And you can do the same for everyone you have found records for.
Transcription of the second record above:
Geborne und Getaufte 1847
Taufnahme des Kindes: Friedrich Mühlenbein
Tag und Stunde der Geburt in Buchstaben und Zahlen: 16. den sechszehnten October Abends 8 Uhr
Ob es ehelich oder unehelich: ehelich, 5. Kind, 3. Sohn
Vor= und Zunahmen des Vaters, auch Stand desselben: Johan Mühlenbein, Bergmann, zur Miethe bei Ludwig Scöleke
Vor= und Zunahmen der Mutter: Theresia geb. Zimmermann
Wohnort der Aeltern: hier, am Jittenberg
Tag der Taufe: 18. Octob.
Nahmen des Pfarrers, der es getauft: Caspari.
Nahmen der Taufzeugen:
1.Friedrich Mühlenbein, Bruder des Johan;
2.Helena Müller geb. Zimmermann, Schwester der Theresia.
From information in the FamilySearch Tree, I located the baptismal record above. Here is source information you can use, which you can add to the "Sources" tab along with your image of the record:
Matricula-Online, Niedermarsberg St. Magnus, Paderborn, Germany, Taufen (baptisms) 1826-1851, image 399, pages 398-399, entry 56, Friedrich Mühlenbein,