What happened to my Ancestor?
It looks like there is a story here about a man who died suddenly under strange enough circumstances to require a notification to be sent to a KK district office. Can you help me find out what happened to my ancestor
Column 1. Date: 1878 May 3/5
Column 2. House: 11
Column 3. Mathias Zoufal dayworker in Dürre (the village)
Columns 4-5. Catholic
Columns 6-7. Male
Columns 8-10. Age: 65 years
Column 11. Cause of Death: This is where I am having trouble.
It looks like he was healthy and maybe was found by a companion
The handwriting is hard to read, and I can’t even decipher some of the letters
Column 12. Last sacraments administered by:
No name is given, so it didn’t happen, another indication that his death was unexpected. There is an explanation that I cannot read
Column 13. Burial by: H. Franz, Priest
Across the bottom:
I can’t read most of this either. What ever happened here required a note to be sent to a KK office in the District of Iglau on the date of his death, 3 May 1878 with some kind of tracking number 3774
There is a similar notice in another entry lower on the same page.
There are no other samples of the scribe’s handwriting on this page.
Thank you for any translating you can do.
Best Answers
The record says "Gehirnerschuetterung infolge eines auf ihn gefallenen Baumes" Concussion as a result of tree having fallen on him.
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Very few of my records are actually in Czech. These people considered themselves Austrian. A have had to learn some latin; these people were also Catholic.
I am happy to hear that you are well again. I had wondered why I didn't see your picture in the community. I am also happy that you are working again. I hope someone else like me will find you when they need help.
Will someone in our community that speaks Czech please help with this problem? Thanks.
Betseylee Browning
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The words I can read are in German, but it could easily be a mixture of both. Thanks
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The words I can read are in German. Thanks
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A helper in the German Community was able to give me a word for word translation of the record. Apparently a tree in the forest fell on him. Thank all of you who looked and tried to help.
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I am glad you got your translation. It must have hurt.
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I am so happy to hear from you. You helped me so much when I was on my mission. You found my mother's family for me in Stannern (Stonorov) Czechia. I am still working on all the ancestors you helped me find in Actapublica. You also showed me an online plat map of Stannern. I have 'colored' in the farms of several of my ancestors, and included it in a 'History of Stannern" which I have shared with many of my relatives.
The records you found for me literally hold 50% of my genealogy. I have put thousands of people into FamilySearch. I think of you often with a greatful heart.
Yes, I already had an answer for the ancestor who was killed by a tree. My current quest is about twins. I put it in yesterday, and it is already buried three pages back. It looks like they were never baptized, and so there is no actual birth entry, just a note.
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What a nice note. I am so happy I was of help to you! You have made a lot of people happy that they have been documented and that they are now recorded. As far as the twins, maybe they died before they could be baptized. Midwives could baptize in a pinch. I can't read Czech but maybe someone will answer this. We have a couple of Czech members.
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Hi Sharon, I am just returning to activity after some time spent battling medical issues. It's nice to see that you are still actively finding family members. Good luck with everything! I'm sorry that I can't read a word of Czech.