Looking for marriage records for Arvid Erickson and Sigrid Swenson in Wheaton, Traverse, Minnesota,
Sigrid Swenson is shown in census reports living in Lake Valley, Traverse, Minnesota, USA from 1883 before immigrating to Canada in 1906.
Arvid Erickson emigrated from Sweden to Wheaton, Traverse, Minnesota, USA
in 1902. Other than his birthdate, I have no information on his birth in Sweden or other family members. He was born in 1870. He later made summer trips to Saskatchewan Canada before immigrating there in Nov 1906 which I have records for. I have searched on my family search, Wiki, Find My Past, etc. Is there any where I can search for Minnesota marriages in 1905-1907 other than on what I have mentioned. Thank you.
Have you checked the online search for Minnesota Marriages at: https://moms.mn.gov/ ?
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I recommend Guided Research for Minnesota at https://www.familysearch.org/wiki/en/GuidedResearch:Minnesota.
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Sorry, I am looking for Minnesota. 🙂
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Thanks so much. Unfortunately I could not find them.
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Sheryl, I actually posted a link for Minnesota, and mislabeled it as Michigan. I have corrected the link title. Please check the link for your family members.
This is the digital version of the Minnesota Marriage Record Collection and does include the time period that you have requested. Traverse County is included in this record set.
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Perhaps you could check the FamilySearch Catalog for Traverse at https://www.familysearch.org/search/catalog/results?count=20&placeId=201706&query=%2Bplace%3A%22United%20States%2C%20Minnesota%2C%20Traverse%22.