Hola, mi nombre es Silvina Medrano, soy de Córdoba, Argentina. Me comunico contigo porque busco el acta de matrimonio en Uruguay de mi tatarabuela Rosa Gagliardi (o Gagliardo), quien se caso entre 1860 (año que emigro desde Cairo, Savona , Italia hacia Argentina y luego Uruguay) y 1861 con Johann Carl Eckhardt proveniente de Halle Alemania, quien llego entre 1857 y 1858 a Montevideo. He agotado la busqueda en las Parroquias a traves de una prima que vive en Uruguay.
Deberia buscar en otras iglesias que no sean católicas? como puedo hacerlo.
Muchas Gracias!
Please join: CHF Estaca Montevideo Flores, Uruguay for the best help.
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@SILVINA ALEJANDRAMEDRANO ORTIZ We are so glad you have joined our German community - It is a great place to get help and to help others! We have a lot of talented, experienced participants here.
Most of the time, it is best to use "ask a question" - do this by selecting the arrow to the right of "new discussion". Asking a question allows you to accept the answer or let us know you would like more help. (I was able to change this post to a question for you.)
Be sure to review the links at the top of our community page for some great resources. We look forward to hearing from you. We are so glad you are part of this great community!
Thanks for being patient as we sometimes must wait for a response to come from a volunteer with the needed skill set. It is always good if you include the identification number of the person in question in Family Search Family Tree so we can see the bigger picture.
We look forward to your comments and questions.
Enjoy today! Cindy Jarvis