Please help with these Polish words

This is a marriage record from Galicia, but I believe the highlighted line is in Polish rather than Latin. I've been told it has to do with the district court of Pilzno giving approval for the couple's marriage, but I'm curious to know what the Polish words actually are. There seems to be a lot of abbreviation and I want to make sure I have it correct.
This is what I have so far. Can someone please check it and fill in what I'm missing?
K----- ok[ręgu] Sąd u Pow[iat] w Pilznie 22 List[opad] 1871 L[iczba] 3380
Thank you so much!
Best Answer
It was a long way to Tipperary to put these pieces of a puzzle together. Doing research followed by a prayer for enlightment brought some results eventually.
The line with abbrevations refers to a line above. The upper line also reads some abbrevtaions. I reads : Test bapt spons ex Dobrków 27 Mar 1871 N 51. / Testimonium baptismi spons ( spons is abbrevation so it could refer to a bride or a groom) ) that came from Dobrków was registered on the 27/3/1871 with # 51. In oreder to be married a bride and a groom needed to produce certifficates of baptisms ( Catholic Church)
Dobrków vs Pilzno :
The second line :
Quote : K----- ok[ręgu] Sąd u Pow[iat] w Pilznie 22 List[opad] 1871 L[iczba] 3380
There is also a letter " M" between K---- and Sądu. " M" stands for municipal thus city court in Pilzno / miejskiego sądu w Pilźnie. District/ Powiatowy court was in Dębica.
Now K-------
Considering this was about registering baptism certifficate and what appeared to be clear to understand in the sentence below I assumed that" K----" / Komme em / Konne em / Konwe em/ ??? was a word relating to a sort of a book or a register used in courts for registration but could not guess what it was . Any record book that I am familiar with used for registration in courts these days did not fit.
So after a word of prayer for guidance I started to search google looking for anything related to courts in Galicia in XIX c and after few attempts this article came up:
It means : Chancellery of the authorities in Galicia.
Page 19 reads a line:
Page 31 reads a line :
Konwoluta ( outdated terminology) meant attachment to a document or sort of a folder for storing/regitering documents in court. Other, contemporary name for it is a fascykuł/ fastykuła - fascicle in English. This is how fastykuła looks like these days:
In the light of the above abreviated word staring from "K----" / Kom/Kon/Konw em most likely referred to konwoluta.
Wow, I can't thank you enough for all the work you put into answering my question! It's hard enough doing research in another language, but when you add in abbreviations and unclear handwriting it makes it even more difficult.
I'm so appreciative of the FamilySearch Community for helping me along with my research.
Thank you again!
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You are welcome. I have learnt new things myself.
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