Thailand Research-Vital records
@นิภาวรรณ (Nipawan) ปานะสุโต (Panasuto)
FamilySearch has a page for Maha Sarakham Province for Thailand Genealogy.
Have you searched there? Click on all the links on the right side of the page to see what you can learn about researching records in Maha Sarakham.
Make sure you click on the links for every section: Beginning Research, Record Types, Thailand Background, and Local Research Resources. I always click on all the links because I never know what I will find that might help me!
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I also thought the Wikipedia page on Wapi Pathum District would be helpful. It has a map and lists the neighboring districts and sub-districts.
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@นิภาวรรณ (Nipawan) ปานะสุโต (Panasuto)
Thailand does not provide publicly-available online vital records. Your best option is for you, if in Thailand, or a relative in Thailand to go into any District office in Thailand with a Thai national ID card to ask for copies of vital records. If the records are for direct line ancestors—parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, etc., those records that have been digitized (typically going back about 30 years or so) will be available from anywhere in the country. If you are looking for older records, some districts still retain old paper copies, which would require someone to physically visit the Wapipathum District office.