Translation help with a few words, please
I think this may be the birth record of Martin Skoda but not sure. I also am not sure about the names of the parents. Any help would be appreciated!
Date of birth: 19 Oct 1823
House: 59
Name: Martin Skoda?
Location: Oslavany
Father: ??
Mother: ??
Best Answer
Born/baptized 19 Oct 1823
Child: Martin, male, legitimate
Father: Mathias Schkoda, Catholic
Mother: Josepha Spirčik[?], father Johann, Catholic
Godparents: Johann Schpirčik
Martin Schboda or Schkoda Parents: Mathias and Josepha Spie_ik? Johann. Here is a good site to try of surnames and see where they appear in the country: You might try the indexes to see how they spell the surnames. The priest usually writes them down carefully. Any other helpers have any ideas on the surnames?
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Thanks Mckenna! I hope @Tamara Orkwis sees this. Please like it Tamara so we know you have seen the translations.
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Thank you!!