My maternal grandmother, Pauline Steiner, was born in Gelniz/Gernica , in present-day Slovakia, arou
No info on the family prior to Michael Steiner. Access to that family line at all? Apparently the family were originally Bavarians who came to work in the mines, around 13th century. Other family names - Fussinger. I would ove to get a toehold on the family lineage. Thanks.
Do you have a document that states this birthplace? I tried to find both spellings in the FamilySearch Card Catalog, and Wikipedia without success. If you know more about Gelniz/Gernica would you please enlighten me.
Betseylee Browning
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There are Roman Catholic records for Gelnica, Slovakia through 1888 on FamilySearch and Protestant records through 1896 that I've linked to. If you are looking for records after 1895, you'll want the civil registration records rather than church records. Gelnica was also known as Golnicbanya in Hungarian--according to this gazetteer, it had it's own civil registry office. Unfortunately, those records haven't been digitized yet, so they would have to be requested from the civil registry office in Gelnica. You may be able to find her older siblings in the church records, or her parents marriage, which could help you extend the line.
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Hi Betseylee,
I don't have any written records. My mother had memory of some of the community names associated with the family. I did do a search on those names a year or two ago, and found the community on Wikipedia. There were many contemporary photos.
Best wishes,
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Thank you so much, McKenna.
That is very helpful.
Take care,
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You're welcome! Good luck with your search.
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My family is also from Gölniczbánya (Gelnica after 1918). I worked a lot with the churchbooks back to the 16-17th century, they are good. Though there were many places belonged to Gölniczbánya. It is a bit more difficult with the records before 1820 as the newborns, deads were registered in different places. The protestants can be found in the roman catholic books for periods of time.
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Thank you so much. That is very helpful. I look forward to further contacts with you, if that is acceptable to you. You know the area well, the records are an outstanding resource for me. Very much appreciated.
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You are welcome! I DO hope, that I can help...
Best regards