My maternal grandfather (last name Carastro) is from the Catania region in Sicily. How would I find
All records are organized by comune (town) so it's vital to know the exact town he came from (might be available through immigration documentation). Records are available on the Antenati web site generally cover from 1820 through 1900 for Catania province:
After 1900 more records through 1929 (or 1941 in some places) may be available in FamilySearch; you should use the FamilySearch records catalog to show records for the specific comune:
Nearly all of these records are just scanned images of record books that have not been computer indexed and therefore must be searched comune by comune, year by year (thus the importance of knowing the precise location in Catania where he was born).
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From his immigration papers he was from Brunt, Sicily.
Thank you so much for your assistance,
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After further review I believe town name is Bronte, Sicily
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1866-1900 records:
Records in Family Search (includes church records, some may be restricted to viewing at a Family History Center or Family Search Affiliate Library):