My ancestor appears as an apprentice. How can I find out more?
In the years 1845 and 1846 My 3rd great-grandfather Andrew Larson appears in the Maria Magdalena, Stockholm parish household examination records as a "larl." which I believe means apprentice. Are there any records that could tell me what type of an apprenticeships this was (what trade/occupation)?
Note that except for these 2 years, Andrew Larson lived in Uppsala county and was a farmer (a dräng before he was married and a torpare after he was married)
Household examination record
- Andrew Larson is on the second line
Are you sure the word is larl? I would have said it was 'karl' which just means man.
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It is Lärl, abbreviated from lärling, apprentice.
I believe he was with Grönwall who was a Stolmakare (chair maker) couple pages earlier (image 133)
Just over Anders Lasson there is Palmgren who was Hos Grönwall and he was a ges (gesäll) also apprentice but learned more, so higher apprentice, and he has the same number 4 As Anders Larsson.