Someone said "As we work with our ward councils to set 2021 goals" . How do we get that connection?
I have not been asked to a ward council, since the restructuring awhile back. In fact, seems like our FHC is not even remembered. How do I encourage our participation in these councils? Not incou
@desi ellis
Are you the "Stake, Temple and Family History, Consultant -- Family History Centre"?
Or, are you just a "Stake, Temple and Family History, Consultant"?
On the other hand, as you say "Ward Council"; as opposed to, "Stake Council" ...
Are you the "Ward, Temple and Family History, Leader"?
Or, are you just a "Ward, Temple and Family History, Consultant"?.
Now ...
That asked ...
The reason I ask, is that ...
IF, you are, the "Stake, Temple and Family History, Consultant -- Family History Centre"; or, a "Stake, Temple and Family History, Consultant", you SHOULD be actively (ie. even to the extent of being 'proactive') working WITH and THROUGH the "High Councilor" in the 'Stake High Council' who has the responsibility of "Temple and Family History" Work in the Stake (and, IF, he is not fulfilling his responsibilities; then, DIRECTLY with the Member of the 'Stake Presidency' who has the responsibility of "Temple and Family History" Work in the Stake).
Whereas, ...
IF, you are, the "Ward, Temple and Family History, Leader", you SHOULD be actively (ie. even to the extent of being 'proactive') working WITH and THROUGH the Member of the "Bishopric" who has the responsibility of "Temple and Family History" Work in the Ward; or, in most cases, DIRECTLY with the "Bishop".
But, ...
IF, you are, just a "Ward, Temple and Family History, Consultant", you SHOULD be actively (ie. even to the extent of being 'proactive') working WITH and THROUGH your "Ward, Temple and Family History, Leader" (and, IF, he is not fulfilling his responsibilities; then, DIRECTLY with the Member of the 'Elders Quorum Presidency' who has the responsibility of "Temple and Family History" Work in the Ward; or, in some cases, the "Elders Quorum President")
Remember ...
Remind them ALL that NOTHING has changed regarding the:
THREE FOLD MISSION of the Church ...
(1) Proclaiming the Gospel;
(2) Perfecting the Saints; and,
[ last; but, no means least ... ]
(3) Redeeming the Dead
I have been lucky; because, my Ward; and, also Stake Leaders, are vey aware of "Temple and Family History" Work.
Being proactive ...
IF, it is something requiring approval/direction; THEN, I go though the "Priesthood" Line of Authority, in the first instance, the "High Councilor" in the 'Stake High Council' who has the responsibility of "Temple and Family History" Work; but, being 'Sneaky', I usually also "cc" the Members of the "Stake Presidency" - to save time.
IF, it is something to do with the dissemination "Information"; or, I am just trying to motivate; THEN, I include ALL in the process (E-mail):
▬ All Members of the "Stake Presidency"
▬ The "High Councilor" in the 'Stake High Council'
.... who has the responsibility of "Temple and Family History" Work
▬ (All) Bishops
▬ (All) Branch President(s)
and, in some instances (as, I have made a rapport with them)
▬ Ward/Branch, Elders Quorum Presidents
▬ Ward/Branch, Temple and Family History, Leaders
Regardless ...
Sometimes ...
We just need to be very 'proactive'; and, 'in their face'; but, in nice and 'kindly' way ...
Something that I am not noted for ...
Still ... it works ...
Give it a go ...
I hope this helps.
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@desi ellis First, I would encourage all temple and family history consultants, whether at the stake or ward level, to become intimately familiar with the brand new changes to the General Handbook that were just published in the last few days, most especially Chapter 25. The General Handbook itself was just published this year (February), and has already undergone a number of important clarifications and additional pieces of information, especially pertaining to the gathering (the work of salvation among the living and the dead as we hear our top leaders referring to it over and over this year especially). It is a favorite theme of President Nelson.
In Chapter 25 of the General Handbook there is very clear definition on the roles and responsibilities of each person involved in temple and family history work, right down to the individual members themselves. There is also clear definition of the roles and responsibilities of those senior leaders as well, both at the stake and ward (branch) level. One of the things spelled out in Chapter 25 (among many!) is the composition of the ward council. Rather than reproduce just a small portion of Chapter 25 here, I'll just reference it, because it's vitally important for each person - even down to individual members - to understand all the responsibilities and how they work together. It's been well thought through and studied out in the minds of the senior leadership of the Church (see D&C 8:1-3).
I'm wondering what your particular responsibility is with respect to this work. If you are a temple and family history consultant (as would seem likely since this question was asked in the group "All Temple & Family History Consultants"), I might suggest working closely with your ward temple and family history leader if at the ward level, or with your stake high councilor over temple and family history work if you're a stake temple and family history consultant. They are the key people to help keep coordination working most effectively at their respective levels (ward or stake).
The other thing you can do is to talk with either your elders quorum president if you are in that group, or your Relief Society president if in that group. Each has a counselor specifically assigned to temple and family work, if they've been listening to the temple and family history leadership training meetings the past two Februarys, and/or reading the new General Handbook including the updates that have JUST been published in the past few days. If not, you can introduce them to those changes and resources 😉!
As you study Chapter 25, become familiar with how each of the positions fits together in a ward, including who attends the ward council and its function with respect to temple and family history work (section 25.2.5). Then also become familiar with the composition and function of the ward temple and family history coordination meeting (section 25.2.7).
Regardless of the level at which you're serving, and even just as an individual quorum or Relief Society member, you always have the opportunity for input to your leaders to ask questions (and therefore be taught), as well as provide suggestions on what might be enhanced in your ward. We don't have to try to "steady the ark" as they say, but we can be heard as to our needs and desires, and perhaps gently influence change. Leaders are sometimes feeling overwhelmed with changes that come down to them, and also have many other responsibilities such as family, employment, other organizational involvement, and even personal challenges. We can all be resources to each other, and work together for good - sometimes (and perhaps most effectively) one-on-one and rather gently to effect change.
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my experience...that until we got the Elders Quorum president & the Elders Quorum interested to work together, we didn’t make much headway. Now we are planning a 12 week Zoom class based on choice instruction from
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Do you have an outline for the instruction you are planning? I'm a Stake Temple and Family History Consultant and I've been asked to provide monthly training to one of the ward's TFH leader and consultants. Last week I just did a basic introduction to FamilySearch, and I have a basic idea of what I want to cover, also using, but I'd love to see your plan and compare our ideas.
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I 2nd what @Chris Schmink stated above. Everyone needs to read the General Handbook 25 section.
"The bishopric supports elders quorum and Relief Society presidencies as they lead ward temple and family history efforts. These leaders counsel together regularly about these efforts." - General Handbook 25.2.1
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Brother Schmink,
I want you to know that your response is an answer to my prayer. I am a missionary at the Ogden FamilySearch Center and I am assigned to teach an online Zoom class for Temple & Family History Leaders and Consultants. I have broken the class into 2 session: the first one is to go over the different roles and responsibilities of T&FH; the second focuses on Helper Resources and the Planner. I have been thinking a lot about my first class. Not that anything was wrong with it, I just didn't feel like it was organized and perhaps somethings were missing. This morning I sat down to go over it and I prayed for guidance in rewriting this part of my class. My first thought was to look at "All Temple and Family History Consultants" group messages and I found your answer to this question. I didn't know that chapter 25 had recently been rewritten and it is exactly what I need to update my class!
Thank you so much!
Marcia Dixon
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@marciaanndixon1 marciaanndixon1 Sister Dixon, glad to have helped. It's all very brand new (actually, newly refined - not new concepts). A letter from the Priesthood and Family Department just came out on 18 December, directed to Bishops and Branch Presidents; Members of Stake and Ward Councils. So until bishops, elders quorum presidents and Relief Society presidents are able to disseminate the material throughout the rest of the Church units, most people will not be aware of the refinement and guidance contained in the new chapter(s). It's not listed in the official communication list on the Church web site (at least for those not listed in the address list), but I was able to see it through my stake leader (I'm a stake FHC leader). However, it's also in the Church Newsroom for anyone to see, and it specifically states that Chapter 25 (among others) is a "rewritten chapter." The following announcement even has an excellent video explanation from senior Church leaders.
My high councilor and I were talking about how the word "may" in Chapter 25 (and elsewhere in the General Handbook) has been misinterpreted by some in too many instances to mean "just optional". I suspect senior leadership got that same impression, and the word "may" has disappeared from a couple of key sentences in Chapter 25 where it used to appear. I believe that when the President of the Church says that the gathering on both sides of the veil is THE most important work on the earth, it's worth sitting up straight and listening intently. 😉 Personally, I love the refining that has taken place even since the February 2019 Temple and Family History Leadership Training broadcast where the current guidance was first widely introduced by Elder Renlund (and re-emphasized again in February 2020). It sounds like you're feeling the same strong promptings to help people truly realize the importance of family - both those we see and know here, and those that we never had the privilege of getting to know. Glad to help! I can hardly wait another two months until we get to hear the newest guidance we'll be getting from leadership (February 2021 training broadcast).
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I thank everyone who has answered the original question of how to get involved in the Ward council meetings. I am a Stake, Temple and Family History, Consultant -- Family History Center person, I was the director, but have since been in limbo as to what my responsibilities are. It looks live very little as to what it once was. I am female, so can not be the Leader. I still fill out the reports, try to keep the equipment current and work with the IT person. The stake, I think is trying to work as they should, but on my end I am hearing nothing. It has been at least 18 months since anyone for either RS or EQ has told the center anything. We have slogged along as best we can. There is a weekly Facebook post put out addressing something about family history and temple work. Right now we are pushing the upcoming Roots Tech trying to get people involved in it. I will continue to study Chapter 25 and see what we can do to improve communication. Thank you again for your help from all involved.
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We have a Temple & Family History Consultant "Huddle" twice a month, led by our EQP. He involves the RS counselor, the youth representative, and the consultants.
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@desi ellis Sister Ellis, your position as the Family History Center Leader (formerly called "Director") can be held by either a man or a woman. That is a stake calling, as you correctly listed. There is a separate ward calling of "ward temple and family history leader" that does require filling by a Melchizedek Priesthood holder, but that's an entirely different position with different responsibilities. The new re-write just before Christmas to Chapter 25 of the General Handbook does an excellent job of detailing the responsibilities of each of the ward and stake positions relating to temple and family history work. My experience has been that they are very often not understood even among many leaders, so it's not surprising that the kind of coordination between leaders and organizations is not happening very well to make sure this great work is being properly accomplished.
My suggestion would be to sit down (or phone) your high councilor assigned to temple and family history work, and share your concerns, and ask for his help in getting other stake as well as your ward leaders properly trained in their responsibilities, and also learning how their positions interact with each other and in what specific meetings (as explained in Chapter 25).
In brief, it's the high counselor assigned to T&FH work (there can be multiple high councilors assigned depending on stake needs) to work with both the FHC as well as the wards and branches. It's his responsibility to ensure all of the people involved at both the ward and stake levels are well trained. He can enlist the help of stake temple and family history consultants (which you indicated you are) in providing that training around the stake, but the bulk of the work anymore comes at the ward/branch level with multiple well qualified T&FH consultants in each ward working directly with members of their own ward in understanding and carrying out their responsibilities to their own ancestors.
You might ask your high councilor for a copy of the stake's Family History Activity Report (FHAR), available under the Leader and Clerk Resources page on the main Church website. That is available to him as well as other high councilors, bishoprics, quorum and Relief Society presidencies, and several others. It shows very specific information about how well (or not) your wards and your stake are doing relative to temple and family history responsibilities. Each ward has their own report, and the stake has its own overall report (with some detail about individual wards as well). The Church directly monitors specific numbers of people that are using FamilySearch in multiple ways, and reports that to leaders through that report. While it does not provide the names of who's doing that work, it's clear that they know because it provides very precise numbers of people in multiple categories.
Hope this helps.
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@JS010 JS010 Excellent! That periodic ward/branch temple and family history coordination meeting is outlined very well in the newly rewritten Chapter 25 of the General Handbook in Section 25.2.7 . That group can help formulate a proposed ward or branch temple and family history plan that ends up being presented to the ward/branch council for approval and implementation (Section 25.2.6). Plus, since the EQ and RS presidents sit in the ward/branch council, along with the ward/branch temple and family history leader, they're better prepared to provided the needed input to that council relative to temple and family history work (Section 25.2.5). If all wards and branches were doing that, much more work would be getting accomplished for our deceased ancestors who're waiting.