How can I find out if my paternal grandparents were legally married?
John Manser of Wellesley Township Waterloo Ontario Canada was born on 1886-09-14. He died 1935-05-02 in Toronto Ontario Canada. He was then buried in Kitchener Waterloo Ontario Canada. John and Amy Young had 2 sons, Alfred Manser born 1893 Nov-24 and Christopher Conrad born 1895 April 4, in Toronto, York, Ontario, Canada. I cannot find any marriage record for either parent or a death record for Amy Young/Manser. I believe that John Manser did marry a Susannah and they had 1 son. Because of the birth dates of John & Amy, I cannot follow what transpired to the boys parents. The boys were both adopted out around 1900. I do know who adopted my father but don’t know what happened to his older brother. I am now 72 years old and want to pass my heritage onto my daughters and grandchildren. However, I am at a dead end. I hope someone can point me in the correct direction.
Thanks to anyone who can help.
are you sure you have the right birth dates ?
Not sure a 7 yr old could father a child
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is this the family ?
You could check the census records for before & after his birth
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here is the birth record for Christopher but I think you might have mixed up some families easily done
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Thank you so much for your reply.
Yes, I do think that this is my Great Grandfather. However, you can see why I think that he had 2 children with Amy (Amey) Young. Other than the 2 birth notices of my father and his brother, I have not found any
more information on Amy and John (as a couple) on any census or other records. It leaves me at a dead end.
I will try to get this information from the Government of Ontario.
I wish you and yours a Merry Christmas.
Caroline Manser Yule (nee: Rayner)
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Are you in Toronto?
I know some libraries have some birth/Marriage records but not sure if they would be able to view now with Covid
Archives of Ontario is closed
I used to see the micro fiche at the Richmond hill Library
I will have a look on Ancestry & see if anything come up
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I found this on an Amy Young the birth date would fit for her to be the mother of the boys